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Open Daily 9 am to 6 pm

Pick Your Own

Picking your own berries is something that a lot of our customers really enjoy and it can be a great experience for kids too!  For many families, it becomes a yearly tradition to look forward to.  We invite you to continue the tradition or start a new tradition with your family and friends of enjoying fruit fresh from the field.  We are happy to offer U-Pick at our farm for strawberries, red raspberries, and blueberries!  Check below for more information on u-pick availability.

If you prefer to have us pick your berries for you, you can give us a call at 608-254-2311 to find out availability or stop by to see if we have some available in our store.


For daily picking conditions, please visit our What’s Ripe Page.

Our strawberry season usually runs from June 10th through July 1st, but it does vary from year to year.

Call for updated picking report, and current prices 608-254-2311

When you come to our farm, please visit our store first to receive berry picking supplies and directions to the field.

How to pick strawberries:

When you come to our farm, we will give you a strawberry flat (that’s a shallow waxed cardboard box) and a wire carrier, with a flag holder, to carry the flat. We will tell you which field to go to.  When you get in the field, go to a flag in a row and start picking from that point.  Take the flag and put it in the loops on the handle of your carrier. When you are done picking, leave the flag where you quit picking berries so the next person will know where to resume picking. Please don’t jump from row to row when picking.  We would appreciate it if you would stay in your own row when picking.  This way we know the whole field gets picked and that there will be berries in other rows for other pickers.

Pick ripe berries. Look a strawberry over before picking it. If the tip is still white, it is not as sweet and ripe as it can be.  To pick them, hold the strawberry lightly in your hand, grasp the stem just above the berry and pull with a slight twist.

Look carefully under the leaves and along both edges of your row; strawberries like to hide. Please pick thoroughly, getting all the berries that are ready. It greatly helps us and the next person who picks your row later if you remove berries that have bad spots and place them in the aisle behind you. Some people even pull some weeds out for us — but that’s not required!

Please walk in the aisles and paths. When we step across rows of strawberries, we sometimes damage the plants.

When you are done picking, bring your berries back to our store and we will weigh them for you.  Strawberries are sold by weight.  You may take the strawberries home in the flats we give you.

Summer and Fall Red Raspberries

Check our “What’s Ripe” page for picking reports.

We have two types of raspberries — the summer bearers that usually start around July 4th and are great picking for the month — and the fall bearers which usually start giving berries in late July and give their largest yields in August and September and continue until the first week of October when we get a hard frost.

Please call for current prices and to place orders: 608-254-2311

When you come to our farm, please visit our store first to receive berry picking supplies and directions to the field.  Red raspberries are available to pick in pints or if you plan to pick a large amount, flats are available too.

How to pick red raspberries:

Red raspberries are ripe when they are all dark red. The sides turn color last; if it is green, yellow, or pink it is not ready. But you really know if a berry is ripe if it is easy to pick.

To pick a raspberry, hold it gently near the stem. If it doesn’t come off the stem immediately, you can use a gentle rocking motion. If it still does not come off the stem, it is not ready to pick; go for another berry.

When you are done picking, please bring your berries to our store to pay.


Check our “What’s Ripe” page for picking reports.

Our jumbo blueberries are a real treat to pick on tall bushes that make picking easy. Blueberries are usually ripe around July 4th and continue through about August 5th when all the berries have been picked and are gone until next year!

When you come to our farm, please visit our store first to receive berry picking supplies and directions to the field.  Blueberries are available to pick in pints or if you plan to pick a large amount, flats are available too.

How to pick blueberries:

Blueberries are ripe when they are all dark blue. The portion around the stem turns color last; if it is reddish purple, yellow, or green, the berry is not quite ripe. Expect to make some mistakes and get some less than fully ripe berries; that’s ok. The berries that are not quite ripe are more tart, and mixed together with the ripe berries gives a good flavor.  Also, if you leave then on the counter overnight or for a few days, they will ripen more!

When you are done picking, please bring your berries to our store to pay.